American Election Illegitimate

The Entire World Is Aware That The 2020 Election Results Are Suspicious It is April 2021, and the 2020 presidential election seems a distant memory, the events and unfolding of all that has taken place in the few short months of the Biden/Harris installation has blunted our memories, admit it! However, the questions raised by […]
President Trump CPAC Speech

If you use YouTube you might have noticed several people uploaded this speech which Trump delivered at the recent Conservative Action or CPAC event in America. Why would the largest video platform on earth choose to remove this speech, what are they afraid of, what possible ‘terms of service’ would Trump break in his speech? […]
A Complete Disaster For The World

With all of the hyperbole and media hysteria surrounding the inauguration of Biden/Harris, and the final days of the Trump administration the big picture of what this event truly means for America and the world has not been fully realised yet. Give this a few months, as the Obama minions and the Obama administration personalities […]
Test for White Supremacy
If you express dissent with election results you are now considered a ‘White Supremacist’ Well it happened, that spooky militaristic, locked down, buttoned up, perfunctory official ceremony which took place in Washington D.C on January 20, 2021 heralds the apparent commencement of a 4 year Biden/Harris presidential gig; of course there might be a challenge […]
Benefits To Democracy of Citizen Journalism
There are now different paths to publishing, independent journalism is a very healthy contribution to our democracies I recall having an online ‘discussion’ with a mainstream journalist a few years back, it was on that strange hybrid corporate/social media platform LinkedIn; this guy was laughing at me for supporting alternative media people, he claimed nobody […]
Unfair By Design
Unprecedented evidence of widespread electoral fraud is currently being tabled in America Cyber warfare is a term many of us have become familiar with in recent times. We tend to imagine shadowy characters in backrooms, hackers, and obscure clandestine communications, we don’t tend to suspect officials and people we invest trust with, we don’t expect […]