Writing Skills | iWritebox

Time And Tide

disaster for the world

Waits for no man, these times have a finality about them, but hope springs eternal I was ruminating recently, I have not written anything for my personal media project site for ages! Back when I first built this project, I had high hopes of developing a distinctive, independent media publication which could serve to both […]

They Have No Shame

critique of government

If you think the past 2 years have been strange, wait until you see what they are planning next I was having a listen to the Leonard Cohen song: The Future recently, and I was struck by how on-target the man was in the spirit of what has been going down; I recommend you also […]

Your Age Your Work Prospects

Your Age Influences employment prospects despite laws In our modern, Western society which includes the ‘5 Eyes’ countries of the U.K, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United States of America – and of course the European countries, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, the southern Mediterranean countries and others it is clear that we are entering a […]

Journalism Standards Today

a true New Journalist

There is a call on for good people to join with the fight, the Information War is critical, and we shall win it! In 1864, a man born in Hungary decided to emigrate to the United States of America, he was a man of intense political sensibility, a champion for the ‘common man’ and a […]

The Practical Truth

How much longer

Our Western World Is Literally Under Attack Have you noticed anything different happening over the past 18 months or so? Yes, I know that is rather an obtuse statement, because most of us are deeply aware of just how much our society has been altered since January of 2020; this applies regardless of where you […]

Conspiracy Theories And You

conspiracy is ubiquitous

Labeling everything that seeks to question a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is not good journalism I don’t know about you, but I am seeing this expression ‘Conspiracy Theory’ being applied across the whole of media lately; I mean can’t journalists find some other way of arguing against claims and questions which arise in our communities? It is […]

Resistance Grows

People Are Beautiful

We have arrived at a significant Crossroads 2020 has been a more eventful year than many in recent times, I don’t think anyone would dispute this! Everywhere we can see different accounts, and claims being made for what is actually happening, some think this is just about ‘Public Health’ and the threat of a virus […]

WordPress The Ideal Platform For Media People

A Geeky Community Or The Ideal Choice For Media? Probably one of the most common questions I get asked, and also many others who work with WordPress content management system I know, is ‘What is the difference between the dot com version of WordPress, and the .org? The differences are kind of important, because we […]

Fake News Where Did It Come From?

Trump may have coined it, but Fake News has always been with us Read Michael Gorman's answer to What started fake news? on Quora The above article was written on the ‘Quora’ platform, and offers an insight into this very current topic, we need to be always vigilant and aware of the intentions behind all […]

The 2 Superpowers Of Blogging

alternative media

Blogging Is Digital Media Manifested You have no doubt been aware of Blogging as a means of producing written content on websites for a long time. Sure, even people who do not Blog have seen it being described and talked about on Hollywood films, in many different circles of social life; it is funny, but […]