Send Us a Tip or Story | iWritebox

There are Several Ways To Send Us a Tip or Story

You can always reach us on the Contact page, or with Email: or the form below

If you have an article you have written we welcome guest writers, and new members. If you wish to publish on iWriteBox and gain exposure with a high profile modern media platform, send your work to, no longer than 5,000 words, not shorter than 600. I reserve the right to not publish, and also to substitute any graphics/photos you include.

Guidelines For Tipping

1. Don’t use your home computer or personal phone, go to a public Wi-Fi area, or Cyber-Cafe

2. Erase everything and avoid being caught on public cameras and security footage

3. If you wish to conceal your identity don’t speak about being a source to anyone.

4. Consider using a secure browser such as TOR, or Brave

5. Avoid personal communication with us, someone investigating leaks can trace movements this way.

6. Be safe, and take care of yourself, we don’t want anyone to experience negative consequences from giving us information.