iWritebox | Washington D.C Dramatic Productions

Washington D.C Dramatic Productions

Capitol Theater

If you have been keeping up with events and developments with the United States presidential election of 2021 you could be forgiven for thinking that you have been watching a dystopian dramatic production, something like ” House of Cards”, except the reality is 100% more outrageous, considerably more insidious, and definitely more criminal.

In many ways I think the people of the world are watching with disbelief; Trump’s election victory in 2016 began a saga of intelligence community, FBI, CIA, military and political response that has totally eclipsed any preceding event: you thought the murder of JFK was pretty out there way back in 1963, this trumps them all.

The opportunity of Covid presented a perfect situation for mail-in voting to blast Trump’s organic support to pieces. The Dems seized on the opportunity to steal this election with enormous enthusiasm, it was the ‘Perfect Storm’ of election theft.

It seems that the ‘Normies’ have once again let us all down, the apathy and ignorance of the public provides these criminals with an ideal situation to execute on whatever they choose, the mainstream media consuming, middle of the road types who have a reading age of about 12 years old just cannot understand what is happening: they just accept what they are told by their officials.

The fear and alarm being promoted with the faux ‘Pandemic’ set the scene. 

When Trump called on his followers to assemble in D.C on January 6th, he did so to present a symbolic assurance for the electoral college to call a halt to the certification of the battleground state votes; what took place independently was a minor group of people entering the Capitol building, this was a few hundred people out of hundreds of thousands who were sincere in their support for Trump, this small rogue group had little to do with the core Trump supporters – this was a staged, invalid action which was not expected, or authorised by Trump.

Let’s be very clear here, the election as a whole was stolen, it was a project of staggering scale and chutzpah, the entire world knows this was not a clean, fair political contest, everyone with a shred of critical thinking skills knows this.

stamping a human face with a boot forever
If you question the election results you are the enemy-Credit:

What we are seeing unfold in Washington is unprecedented, there is a staged scenario of ‘trouble zone’, they are trying to make it look as if there is a major attack imminent – perhaps this is what their strategy is, to stage an attack by an armed militia so that they can blame it on Trump and his followers, making them out to be an ultra right-wing white supremacist nut-job group.

The average Trump supporter is a decent, hard working American, most often they are craftsmen, tradesmen, factory workers, farmers, ordinary people who have been completely disenfranchised by 8 years of Obama-ism and Woke political imposition, economic sabotage and the destruction of national industry in favor of off-shore outsourced manufacture from China and India.

This is largely an economic struggle, like so many political struggles usually are!

Consider that Trump has been able to completely turn America around economically, in the space of one term, which was opposed and sabotaged by the most despicable filthy politicians in history: along with Big Tech and China.

What we are seeing unfold in Washington is a staged, completely artificial scene, this eclipses Hollywood, this puts Stanley Kubric in the shade.

Here we are, poised to witness something terrible, the installation of a criminal regime, the forced election results which were so despicably obtained will result in Biden/Harris being installed, this is a terrible, sad result that so many good people sat around and did nothing to stop this, who just accepted what their televisions told them; and now the world is lost to a period of terrible dystopian authoritarianism; you think I am being hyperbolic?

Talk to me one year hence, when the unfolded plan has been executed on, when millions will be jobless, homeless and hungry. Tell me this is going to be good when all free speech has been stamped out and you have been vaccinated by a toxic brew of terrible design.

This is the eve of humanity’s end, this is the culmination of the collective stupidity of the public, the failure of people to take notice of what is really taking place: this is the overthrow of democracy.
