Unfair By Design
Unprecedented evidence of widespread electoral fraud is currently being tabled in America Cyber warfare is a term many of us have become familiar with in recent times. We tend to imagine shadowy characters in backrooms, hackers, and obscure clandestine communications, we don’t tend to suspect officials and people we invest trust with, we don’t expect […]
Gross Hypocrisy & Authoritarian Corruption in Melbourne

London, England on the 29/08/2020 there was a significant rally staged against the draconian ‘Lockdown’ and social restriction policies being imposed in the name of ‘Public Health’ for the alleged Pandemic of the V.I.R.U.S. The rally was significant, very well attended indeed with upwards of 10,000 participants; although mainstream media groups chose to largely ignore […]
Promoting Free Speech and Anti-Authoritarianism
Infowars Monday 25-11 What pisses me off is that they decided Infowars could not be published, whatever you think Alex Jones has the right to publish his content, he is not hurting anyone or holding anyone down. Don’t tell us what we can view, what we can think, we are free human beings.
Digital Media In Australia

The Growth of Digital MediaIn Australia The Digital Divide serves to exclude many people from fully participating with the powerful new opportunities to communicate, but times have certainly changed! By Mike Gorman It is interesting to note that many mass media organizations are currently trying to fight against the rise of digital media, social media […]