Commencing this little piece, this article, post, publication I am ‘winging it’; I do not have keywords, monetary or optimising intentions, I am aware that many of us are preparing to resist, to put forth our power and influence, to overcome the onslaught of attack which has been manifesting in our western societies over the past 2 *years.
This pattern of psychological attack, of authoritarian imposition, of deep rejection of previous freedoms, a taking away of liberty and call to comply, to consent with the diminishment of our human picture.
Many of us are essentially aware that what is unfolding in our midst just isn’t ‘right’.
We have been deceived by a certain group that the world has become dangerous and infectious, that we are each carriers of someone else’s sickness and death.
We are being swabbed, and tested, jabbed with genetic tools, forbidden to travel and move among our own towns and cities, to comply with orders, to acknowledge the great expertise of overlords, to bow to this new public health morality.
It is clear to many us that a force is at work, some type of concentrated intent which seeks to contain us all; this will fail.
You as an intelligent, free agent, a member of the human species are born and have flourished on your home planet, you are not obliged to travel on someone’s terms.
You have been directed and compelled, advised and alerted: you are told there is an ’emergency’ so all usual bets are off, this is a lie.
You have the basic right to either accept, or decline what is being presented.
Police are being used to impose much of these measures, and these individuals are also being directed, with the added seduction of increased power, a greater range of authority, but much of this is invalid and illegal, even criminal in scope.
We are seeing more, and more creative people respond to this presented ‘viral gambit’.
A gambit is a method of taking advantage of a situation, to seek a means to advance an agenda, a view of the world; gamesmanship.
There is much about strategy, covert intentions underlying much of what is taking place today: many of us are intuitively aware of this.
Anti Human – what do you understand by that term?
We are being persuaded that our society is harmful, destructive, toxic, diseased.
There is a major difference between changing one’s ways, and ensuring standards are met, to that of completely working against human society itself and working towards its diminishment.
Through the red herring topics of ‘climate alarmism’ and that of ‘public health’ we are being compelled to follow Davos directives, and the favored billionaire groups desired visions.
As the working people, and the non-billionaires of this world we have the absolute right to reject what is being presented, we need to inform our fellow people, and discuss these subjects among ourselves, many of us feel motivated to help and educate, and to mobilise one another. Don’t allow the ‘normies’ of this world to give away the human gift, to forgo our natural rights and capacity to aspire.
Some are speaking of a ‘higher vibration’, and a new form for humanity, I think this is certainly arriving, however you choose to describe this, we have the power and the ability to forge our world into being the true home for humanity. Don’t let the bastards win this time.