iWritebox | The Climate Situation Thus Far

The Climate Situation Thus Far

Climate Catastrophe?

The climate models are crappola

As citizens of Western countries we are all painfully aware of the emergence of this climate emergency community, perhaps you have been held up getting somewhere by the zealots sitting in the road and gluing their hands to the road, or witnessed street protests from school children who have been provoked and groomed by activist teachers to feel great alarm with the global weather; the incidence of unscientific and unfounded hysteria concerning our climate has reached critical mass. 

It was stated that “97% of world scientists agree that planet Earth is in grave peril from climate change” – such numbers and bogus statistics conceal that there are a considerable number of notable and highly qualified scientists who consider this to be complete nonsense.

As always the corporate media hacks and tame science journalists have been conscripted to support this climate alarmism, the rot goes very deep indeed. The ‘Green Billionaire” effect is potent, funding for entire careers, and research projects depend on agreement with the climate alarmist narratives; incredibly corrupt and actually an existential threat to our way of life and economic well-being.

Those among the sincere followers of true Science have long been seeking a means to disarm this malignant development of climate scaremongery. The name ‘Tony Heller’ has long been a clarion call for rational debunking of Junk science and blatant untruth amidst the professional climate hoaxers; finally a combined presentation is now out there, along with some brilliant science people stating their truth and delivering the antidote for this most harmful of modern scourges.

It is my duty as an educated and concerned man to spread this “Climate: The Movie” and do my bit to educate and enlighten the interested layman.

As always the YouTube people have placed their United Nations/Wikipedia ‘fact check’ on this video, you can peruse this if you like, but be aware the official line is deeply wrong, misguided and not true.


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