iWritebox | Controlled Media

Controlled Media

imposed staffing policies
censorship is rife
Blogs and sites which are anti-Establishment are deliberately restricted

The chances of you reading this little article are very, very remote.

I know this because my media project site: https://iwritebox.com has been placed into a low traffic state by Google; the numbers have dwindled since the middle of last year, from a good many thousand of readers who spent an average of 3 minutes on the site, to 1 second these days.

I am aware of other writers and journalists who also experience this reduction in traffic. It seems if you work with information that is deemed ‘alternative’ by the technocrats, the organic rate of distribution is deliberately ‘throttled’ by The Big G.

Despite this, I continue to post and present information which I hope will help even one person.

Critical thinking has become unfashionable in these times.

We are told we must listen to the experts, and only accept the measures they deem to be necessary.

Our societies are on the brink of a drastic change.

The roll out of experimental ‘vaccines’ continues, and many older people are being wiped out by them.

Those who are younger are taking into their bodies genetically engineered lipid envelopes, and RNA materials which affect every cell in your systems; not just the respiratory tissues.

When you encounter corona-type viruses in the future it is likely your body will over-react and a cytokine storm condition will ensue.

It is not really known what the outcomes will be, but it seems there are elite groups in our midst who have decided that the human population must be culled; they wish to bring about an end to industrial capitalism and instigate a ‘Green technocracy’.

These will be the final days of liberal democracy unless more people are made to understand what is being executed in our major western countries.

When have we ever needed to close down all the small businesses, and impose these anti-human policies for an illness that is on  a par with Influenza?

We know a great deal about SARS-Cov2, don’t let them fool you, it is 80% identical with SARS which our society withstood in 2003, and many gained immunity and protection with that outbreak (which was not as bad as they made out at the time!).

Joe Rogan has created a shit-storm for suggesting young people do not need these vaccines, but he is absolutely right.

Have a listen to Dr Mike Yeadon in this very powerful interview, he is a man who has sincerity, he is aware of just how dangerous these ‘vaccines’ truly are; he has a long career of making vaccines and researching respiratory illnesses.

