This documentary was released in early August of 2020, it was compiled by the estimable Millie Weaver (Millennial Millie to some!) who contributes a lot of material for Infowars, she is a freelance journalist who follows the more conservative path; I want to present this on because it has been removed from YouTube, and seems to have been ‘banned’ from all of the major social media platforms. It is laughable that the World Wide Web is now undergoing the same tendencies for exclusive ownership, and editorial restrictions that broadcast media presented to us in the 20th Century.
The Web belongs to us, the people of this planet, it is our publishing medium but if we do not appreciate this fact and work to keep it open, and free from ideological manipulation, it will go the same way all media went in the twentieth Century with wealthy owners and corrupt restrictions from the establishment imposing licensing and regulation.
We can see with the V.i.r.u.s being used as a justification for authoritarian social lockdowns, and increasingly an excuse to erode civil freedoms, and rights which were hard won by previous generations, that we are living in perilous times for journalism.
Anyway, I have uploaded this video to my own hosting system, so it is beyond the reach of official restriction, it cannot be taken down unless my rights as a free enterprise media owner are withdrawn, if this happens you know the times will have turned bad for us all!
Produced by Millie Weaver, Tore Independently
It is interesting since the release of this video there has been a concerted effort to try and discredit it, with operatives claiming this is “disinformation” and unsubstantiated, the usual ‘fact checkers’ have put up their bulwarks of protective filtration. Take a look for yourself, and do your Due Diligence. I think it is clear that Trump’s administration has been beset with ‘greater than usual’ disruption, obstruction, and great effort has been expended to try and depose him, discredit and smear, covertly and overtly! Data is the currency of today, and the agencies of government have many resources, and contractors gained a lot of traction throughout the Obama reign. Make up your own mind.
Admit When You Are Wrong
OK, I have been out of the loop for a while, I admit this! Like many independent media people working these days, I have multiple demands on my time, I manage different projects and I have not kept up with what is happening regarding this subject. Alex Jones has broken his relationship with Millie Weaver, and taken this film down from his sites. I believe this is due to him getting threatened by the people involved with this project, so the plot has thickened somewhat!
I do not have direct link with the producers of this documentary, I present stories and information which arise, and I become aware of; I will leave this here for you as an example of the media being produced, it has historical merit if nothing else, an example of how independent journalists can make mistakes.
The content, and the core information being presented here imply that data is funneled and used by different players to achieve their objectives, which is a familiar story, I have no personal assurances of the veracity of this work. As I have stated, it is entirely up to you how you view this presentation, but I need to include this note to clarify that I am not endorsing this work, I am simply presenting it as a digital media project, part of the educational process. We need to study how alternative media rolls!