iWritebox | U.S Senator Reveals Extreme Punishment

U.S Senator Reveals Extreme Punishment

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Two Tiered Justice For Jan 6 Participants

Texas Senator Louis Gohmert stated that many of the people captured following the January 6 protest at Washington D.C, and accused of ‘insurrection’ are being excessively punished; particularly in light of how rioters, and often violent ‘BLM’  & Antifa style protesters have been processed, most of which are rapidly bailed and given ‘soft’ treatment, despite many of them being obviously guilty of Arson, Violent assaults, wilful damage.

A large number of people who entered the Capitol building did so at the invitation of Capitol police officers who were filmed offering a smiling welcome to many of the folks , lowering velvet ropes and other barriers, urging people inside to the tax payer funded building.

As an indication of how some of these people have been harshly dealt with, solitary confinement is extremely common, and this is before any charges are proven or dealt with by the court!

There is an obvious bias being communicated by judges, who have made hyperbolic claims when confronting these people, such as they are ‘threats to the Republic and democracy’; for wandering around the interior of the heart of American democracy, really?

The courts are seen to have pronounced severe judgements well before any legal process is executed, people being found well and truly guilty for simply attending the event; this is not Justice, this is not fair treatment.

We need to be vigilant about this, ordinary American citizens are being used as political scapegoats, if people are indeed guilty of wrongdoing they need to be speedily dealt with, but this lingering solitary confinement, and endless bureaucratic delay needs to be stopped; ‘people are being treated like 3rd world political prisoners’, Senator Gohmert commented.

We cannot allow this situation to move forward, unless it can be proven that people that committed an offence they need to be rapidly let go to resume their lives, using them as political scapegoats is intolerable and goes against the basic principles of American justice, this is an outrage that would never be allowed to continue if it were BLM/Antifa people involved.

We know that the reason for extreme treatment is politically motivated, it has nothing to do with criminal justice, or common law; contact your representative and demand fair treatment for these people; America will not be allowed to descend to these depths by its people.
