ShadowGate The Banned Documentary

This documentary was released in early August of 2020, it was compiled by the estimable Millie Weaver (Millennial Millie to some!) who contributes a lot of material for Infowars, she is a freelance journalist who follows the more conservative path; I want to present this on because it has been removed from YouTube, and […]
Infowars There’s a War on For Your Mind
Infowars is an independent media company operated by Alex Jones I remember my first encounter with seeing Alex Jones back in about 2008, this was about eight years after Alex revealed his first foray into the murky underworld of secret association and covert frolicing among the elite circles of global leaders, industrialists and affiliated people […]
Building Your Place On The Web
The Web is a Publishing Medium If you are someone who likes to write, and aspires to be recognized as being a ‘writer for the Web’ then you have the option of being yet another ‘Medium’ publisher, or contributor to ‘Quora’, or indeed a blogger on one of the public 3rd party platforms.But this is […]