Back when I was born in the very distant year of 1958 it was the done thing to receive a combination vaccine cocktail, very soon after being born. I still have the scar on my left upper arm to prove I was vaccinated; this was a combo, the so-called DTP, Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus. Later on in the 1960’s through the school medical programs I also received the ‘sugar lump’ Polio, and several ‘booster’ shots. When my family decided to upsticks and move to Australia in 1970 we also had to have a Smallpox vaccine; I had zero concerns with these vaccines, they were thoroughly tested and proven to be effective, side effects and adverse reactions were spoken of, but these were very rare and considered a remote risk.
As the pharmaceutical industry has grown to colossal size, with associated political influence and lobbying power, more and more medicines have become available, and the nature of vaccines has also changed very much, today’s society seems to have been groomed to expect a ‘magic bullet’ vaccine to be produced for every possible disease; vaccines are not magic bullets, and there are some illnesses which simply cannot be controlled with a vaccine.
We have to understand the basic mechanisms of the human immune system in order to fully appreciate just what vaccines actually do for us.
I speak with people who appear to just roll out catch phrases they hear on television, and read in newspapers, so many people seem to just go along with this surface level acceptance of what is happening in our world. I was speaking with a GP recently, you would think a medical doctor would do a little personal research and look beyond the headlines of tabloids? Well no, obviously not, I think this person is a good example to use, I won’t name them for obvious reasons, but if an educated, successful professional person rolls out the MSM narratives then it is certain a good many others are also like this.
It seems basic Critical Thinking is actually quite a rare ability.
A vaccine for this v.i.r.u.s has been spoken of as if this is going to be the ultimate solution, the true path for us all to return to ‘normal’.
Several major airlines have declared they will not be allowing people to fly unless they can produce a ‘health passport’, governments have begun trying to roll out new vaccines being produced by the major drug companies and making noises about this being ‘mandatory’, with people being unable to access basic services, attend concerts and sporting events, enter shops and official buildings: so not officially compulsory, but you will be essentially unable to participate in society if you decline. This is what the old timers used to call ‘Hobson’s choice’.
We have this alleged pandemic of a ‘deadly disease’, and yet the true numbers which record the mortality of our society show no genuine change, about the same numbers of people are dying this year as in any year of the past decade. The number of people dying in 2018 for example was 7.53 per one thousand, in 2020 this is marginally higher at 7.63, but this is lower than 2015; all in all no significant change whatsoever!
Tell me again why we have collapsed our economies, and put people through a dystopian nightmare and the mortality has not shifted one iota?
Tell me again why there is this almost hysterical attempt to rush through a vaccine, ignoring the established safety protocols, making it mandatory to receive?
Would you say this is a sane, rational response?
Our governments insist on only listening to those medical people who support their extreme measures, have you noticed this?
People have been warned to only read ‘official’ websites and literature, that dissenting views on the internet are only ‘conspiracy theories’-how many times has worn out old excuse been trotted out this year, how many times have you heard this being applied to anything which disagrees with the most draconian measures being forced on you?
Even if we were to accept that some of the more florid examples of online dissent are in fact ‘conspiracy theory’, what about the measured, and professional statements coming from superbly qualified, and active researchers in the fields of Epidemiology, medicine, public health, Virology and all kinds of variations on these specialities? People such as Professor Sucharit Bhakdi,
An entire team of people who are so much more qualified than any of the governmental medical teams, the people who are being ignored and dismissed because they offer and much less severe course of action. The idiot who is running the v.i.r.u.s management program in the U.K, Hancock, had the utter temerity to suggest he knows much better than these people, that his team of advisors in the ‘SAGE’ team are better qualified. Let’s take a look at some of these researchers and what they are saying:
This Hancock character is fairly typical of this new breed of politician who seem intent on breaking down our present democratic order, and replacing it with a much more authoritarian, fear based style of government, he is a very dangerous extremist and needs to be stopped, before Britain is completely destroyed. We are surrounded by these dangerous extremists in each country.
Hancock is an arrogant, disingenuous reptile, he tearfully described a distant relative being ill with this v.i.r.u.s, his step mother’s distant cousin, or something who is over 85 anyway, this seemed to be his justification for imposing some more ridiculous rules; he speaks of a ‘mutation’ of the v.i.r.u.s, but this will not apparently affect the efficacy of the vaccine!
Are we really expected to accept what this political moron says, are we really being led to our destruction by people such as Hancock who does not possess the merest shred of scientific acumen, who is arrogant beyond measure and maliciously dangerous in his thinking?
It is not the dissenting voices who represent a danger to us all, it is these political traitors who are blindly accepting an elitist doctrine of modern eugenics, this vaccine was rushed out, and we do not know what it contains, or what the long term consequences are; the illness the vaccine purportedly works against is a very ordinary Corona-like Flu. Do the Fu vaccines work to prevent deaths each year?
Of course they do not, the Flu vaccines don’t prevent people from dying from complications and Pneumonia, the Flu viruses mutate, and strains emerge that are not part of the vaccine’s spectrum. People die every year from the flu and the vaccine uptake is very good.
We are faced by a malicious program of social changes, under the guise of this pandemic, the people driving these changes do not have your best interests in mind. These are dangerous extremists who hold that the world is being damaged by humanity, they want to ‘cull the herd’ and prevent their imagined climate emergency, they have some very strange ideas and they know they are right. People who know they are right are very dangerous, they are beyond debate, they are beyond recall to reason.
I suggest you do some genuine searches, and look at the various alternative arguments, we are beset with very arrogant, single minded people who are trying very hard to execute on their imagined Utopia, this vision does not include you, or your small business, or your independent liberty, or your ideas of ‘free speech’. These people want to give you a weird cocktail of substances, do you trust them?
Warning, dangerous extremists are out there, in your governments, in your councils in your schools and colleges. This your world, do you want to preserve your way of life, do you want to just get on with your life and leave all of this madness behind? We had better do something about it.