Social Media | iWritebox - Part 2

Journalism and The Internet

modern journalism

Freelancing & Digital Media We have lots of talk these days concerning ‘fake news’, the influence of social media on recent outcomes and the emergence of alternative media groups. Hillary Clinton famously stated that we are amidst an ‘Information War’ and that she considered the then establishment to be losing this war. However I would suggest […]

Digital Media In Australia

times have changed

The Growth of Digital MediaIn Australia The Digital Divide serves to exclude many people from fully participating with the powerful new opportunities to communicate, but times have certainly changed! By Mike Gorman It is interesting to note that many mass media organizations are currently trying to fight against the rise of digital media, social media […]

Mobile Compliant


Being Mobile Friendly & Your Visibility There are reams of generic posts, articles, white papers and videos all talking about the need to make your digital publication ‘work’ for all mobile devices. This makes good sense. Let’s just take at look at the current figures, we can find statistics so easily about any topic you […]

Media Savvy

mike gorman podcast

The Liberation of The Technology People Now Have Direct Access! Technology What Isn’t Being Talked About Everywhere we look these days people are talking about how technology is changing the game. And yes, it is clear that our access to digital technology is exerting some significant changes on our society. Previously familiar media entities which […]

Building A Funnel And Other Oddities

Sales Funnel

Sales Funnels… What Are They About? Everywhere you look online recently, “Funnels” are being promoted, talked about and wildly presented as being almost a magical way to sell your thing. But what exactly are they, and why should you be interested? In this article Mike Gorman takes a beady eyed look at the hype, and […]

Who Watches T.V Ads Anymore?

T.V advertising is dead

fast forwarding t.v ads & building narratives online Just Like You, I Fast Forward Through T.V Ads I was recently interested in seeing a movie which I like, I could have watched this on ‘NetFlix’ but it just happened to flick up on my T.V search and I noticed it was on a Free-to-air channel […]

Stop Nuisance Callers

cold calling

Cold Callers & Advertisers Begone! If you are anything like me you will get people calling on your phone, trying to sell you on one thing or another. Products, holidays, cars, competitions, charity, services, politics. I get annoyed, and sometimes quite cross at a lot of them, because: I do not know them from Adam […]

Radio, Television & The Internet

digital people

This Video is crucially important to you I like to produce my own videos, but sometimes content comes along which crushes it, and communicates a concept so well, you have to share it. I think there are just so many business people in Australia currently who simply aren’t getting it, that the attention paradigm has […]

Brand Building On Digital Media


Building Your Unique Brand Online We See Brand Building As An Ongoing Process The idea of creating a ‘Brand’ is certainly not a new one. We are all familiar with thousands of well-known brands which have been a central part of our lives for decades. However, with the advent of our connected world, and social […]

Why Digital Promotions Has Nothing To Do With Technology

Mass media

It’s Not Technology That Counts Perspective is a strange quality. If you have ever had a look at some of the art work which pre-dates the 17th Century, and then compared this with later works you can clearly see how perspective becomes more and more important. Brunelleschi is credited with introducing mathematical, geometric perspective into art. […]

The Question Of Quality

quality is our thing

Your Podcast, Blog, Big Factory, eCommerce Biz, New Invention, Is It Any Good Though? We live in very noisy times. It seems we are being offered ‘stuff’ everywhere we go.  Experts and specialists compete for our attention and we make our choices based on what we know, and what we wish to achieve. The big […]