iWritebox | Avi Yemeni

Avi Yemini and Comedy Central Disgrace

Avi Yemeni fair play?

Avi Yemeni Clears His Name

To be honest with you, I had not known a great deal about Avi Yemini, despite being a fellow Australian, and a fellow immigrant.

I became aware of Avi Yemeni a few months ago when I happened on a YouTube video, where he was talking about problems in Melbourne with African gangs, and the whole issue of immigration.

So I have been following Avi’s work and trying to establish what he believes and how he thinks. So far I determine that he is an intelligent, clear thinking young chap who has a good sense of humor and is concerned about Australian society.

I don’t see anything ‘Far Right’ in his materials, this term has been used promiscuously by the mainstream, corporate media in Australia to attempt to discredit anyone who dares to criticize the accepted values of multiculturalism, and today’s political correctness, I.E a great many Australians.

I was amazed to discover that Jim Jeffries, who has forged a career as a comedian, and works for ‘Comedy Central’ in America had misrepresented Avi Yemeni in such a callous, underhand way. As someone who has grown up in Australia, and the son of a WWII veteran I have a strong set of ‘fair play’ values, and this incident ‘triggers’my bullshit filter. Anyway, what do you think, has Avi received a fair deal from Comedy Central?
