About iWriteBox & Digital Publishing | iWritebox

New Journalism And Media Skills

iWriteBox is my project, I am an independent journalist, I have been interested with writing, journalism and mass-media for a very long time.

Way back before the internet, all media was owned and directed by a small number of very powerful, wealthy people. These people had a very special relationship with the establishment, you might say they were favored and allowed to publish to broadcast media exclusively.

The power that these organisations used to wield was colossal, imagine owning the means to direct the very substance of how people think, and manage their lives, to completely influence political narratives, this represents the means to determine the shape of society itself.

The single lane traffic of broadcast media meant that we were all passive recipients of a provided stream of content, as individuals we were unable to have very much say in what was being presented: perhaps a few ‘letters to the editor’, or maybe a little fan group, or citizen action committee; that single line of content hypnotised us all!

Since the emergence of the WWW, gifted to the people of the world by its inventor Mr Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, we have experienced the effect of opening up another channel of communication: the dual channel of digital media has an exponential effect.

This exponential effect generated from the ‘real time’ responses to content, the combined presence of our content, this has defeated the information monopoly of the broadcasters: they no longer ‘rule the airwaves’, and they are feeling peeved about this.

We have different monopolies these days; Silicon Valley seem to have replaced the old media empires, but they actually do not have it all their own way either.

I can publish a site, such as this one, just as you can also present your own platform, the open market of the web decides what it wants to read, and who to visit: the collective effect of this is that we now have many more options and possibilities for free speech; at least this is the theory!

We have discovered that people are being de-platformed, and threatened with social ostracism and economic ruin if they do not conform with ‘right think’ and the prescribed values and politics of the tech giants. Phooey I say! Join me in developing good skills, and effective SEO, join me in presenting alternatives to the media monopolies and ‘right think’ bullies. I can help you if you contact me and let me know you are ready to make your voice heard.

Anyway, we come to why I have published this site, and what my intentions were/are:

1. To provide a platform of publishing which is completely independent of Silicon Valley/mainstream media.

2. To offer education, and guidance for those people who want to publish their own content, to enable writers, and communicators to be able to publish independently themselves; to offer help and practical resources for people who otherwise would not be able to participate.

3. To take a stand and execute on my free speech as an example to others.

4. To offer other writers an opportunity to get their work in front of a wider audience, iWriteBox has been online now for a few years, it has an organic readership, and this will grow further. I want to present some interesting new journalistic voices and give new talent a way to get started.

If you have read up to this point and you are intrigued, don’t just pass on this, how many times have you responded to the big, plush sites and been let down by another web bastard seeking to rip you off and blow smoke up your skirt?

There are legions of wise guys trying to fool you, using ‘neuro linguistic’ approaches, getting your attention and appealing to your ego, your vanity.

If you want to discover how you too can publish, and build a media project I can help you. Sign up below and declare your genuine intentions, are you interested with being able to publish independently, to appear on a non-commercial, credible platform without advertising and overtly crass language being presented?

If you want to build your own platform, or if you simply like the idea of having your work appear on an established publication, let me know.



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